Дата публикации: 06.02.2024

How to Make a Two-Row Beaded Ring

Materials needed:

  1. Beads of your choice
  2. Beading thread or fishing line
  3. Beading needle
  4. Scissors
  5. Clasp or jump ring (optional)


  1. Cut a comfortable length of beading thread or fishing line, ensuring it is long enough to fit around your finger twice with some extra length for tying knots.
  2. Thread the beading needle with the chosen thread or line.
  3. Start by adding a stop bead to the thread, leaving a tail of about 6 inches. This will prevent the beads from sliding off the other end.
  4. Slide on the desired number of beads for the first row, leaving a small gap at the end to allow for connecting the ends later.
  5. Bring the needle back through the beads in the opposite direction, creating a loop.
  6. Pull the thread tight to form a circle with the beads.
  7. To secure the circle, pass the needle through the first few beads again, creating a small knot.
  8. Now, it's time to add the second row of beads. Slide the desired number of beads onto the thread, making sure they are smaller in size than the beads used for the first row.
  9. Pass the needle through the last bead of the first row, going in the same direction as the thread.
  10. Continue adding beads to the second row, passing the needle through the corresponding bead in the first row each time.
  11. Once you have completed the second row, pass the needle through the first few beads of the second row again to secure the thread.
  12. To finish the ring, tie a knot with the thread and trim off any excess.
  13. If desired, you can attach a clasp or jump ring to one end of the ring for easy wearing and removal.


  • Experiment with different bead sizes, colors, and patterns to create unique designs.
  • Use a beading mat or tray to prevent beads from rolling away.
  • Practice the technique on a smaller scale before attempting a full-sized ring.

Now you have successfully made a two-row beaded ring! Enjoy wearing your handmade creation or gift it to someone special.

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